Demo image Demo image Demo image Demo image Demo image Demo image Demo image Demo image Demo image Demo image Demo image Demo image Demo image Demo image Demo image Demo image Demo image Demo image Demo image

And keeping with the trend...

  • When you press the calculator...

  • For more insightful pics, visit!

    And an emo song.

    Since everyone's too lazy...

  • When you press the calculator...

  • Listen to this song. Then feel the wave of sadness wash over you as you think about all the lost time, all the lost opportunities.
    Realise that the holidays are ending.. where did all the time go?
    Have you lost your pieces?
    Eh. the song's too short

    Happy Birthday Eka :P

  • When you press the calculator...
  • You are the number one today. Thank goodness I posted this before 12.

    Courtesy of Alwyn's facebook photo.



  • When you press the calculator...

  • Cheers,
    Nic Low


  • When you press the calculator...

  • Cheers,

    Oh they have this song too...

  • When you press the calculator...


    Vitamin String Quartet

  • When you press the calculator...
  • This group plays good music.

    They have various rendition of pop songs on youtube, can search for them if you are bored like me :P


    Some comics

  • When you press the calculator...

  • Realised I have some funny comics at home. Most of it is about the Malaysian school life, which I find rather lame but funny. Attached are some excerpt:

    Copyright (c) Heng Teik Chee 2010. (Don't sue me I am just promoting your work...)


    Word Play

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Can you figure out what this sentence mean?

    Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

    Try to put appropriate punctuations so that this sentence makes sense:

    James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher.

    Above all, I still think Chinese is epic.



  • When you press the calculator...
  • See if you all can guess what these photos are :) (Hint: I can't coz i m not a bio student)

    Cheers (for the end of the dearth of new posts!)


    Picture of some Hwa Chong students

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Aw man, I gotta get me out of these pants, they are killing me!

    Dear Juniors,

    As our year ends, you might ask, 'Why do we eat our childhood snacks, listen to old songs, and see a senior from 10 years back?'

    Food- music- people- and now nostalgia connects us. The present always seems grim and shaded by work, while the future is so bright for all of you that it is hard to see ahead. But what does the past mean to you, being 17?

    While we cannot travel back in time, we can recreate the past like we did in class today. I know you might not remember when you were 7 ten years ago - but I do remember when I was 17.

    And this is what I remember. I remember being soaked in the sweat of daily work and fun, a sea of deadlines and wave after wave of events in Hwa Chong. Friends. Absorbing and absorbed by us alike, they accompany you deeper.

    Each day left you spent and spinning.

    So today I hope these words from above the water come clear to you.

    Carve out your life plan, your mission statement and what you want to achieve in life. Let everything you do flow through that mission. Plan this early because time is really like the sea. As you swim and think you move forward, it is ultimately meaningless to the sea itself. You only advance when you have a goal. A shore to find. If you have a mission grand enough to sustain, when your body falters, your loved ones are equally adrift, and you find your spirit drowning - that goal of yours will not fade. Carve it on solid rock now.

    In a short life, how then do you decide as to what is a worthy goal? To me, it is as simple as it is difficult. Give to others. Principles will never fail you. We are never perfect, but our ideals always must be.

    Well, that is all I dare say before my words get lost in the echoes and deep end of where you are submerged.

    Having looked through all I have written above, I feel that I might have been too rough in describing time. Here, at this moment, she has allowed me to wading gently into her waters, and briefly, I hope I have swum back to help pull you into the future. But I have not been able to be with you all long; just a short year. 2010 went by too quickly. Writing this, I also know the dangers of memory, and of swimming too far into it. Luckily I have my rock to return to - Teaching! And thus I have these words for you today.

    Hwa Chong's tsunami will flood you all next year and time will just flash by. But do not fear. We always think of the many waves crashing towards us - but do we count the number that recede? Find your mission's rock and after it all, you will still be standing.

    The sea goes nowhere even though it is unrelentless. But we - we can decide.

    All the best, cos you all are. Thank you.

    Once your Civics Tutor, but always your Senior, :P
    Mr. Mark Tan


  • When you press the calculator...

  • A Salute to our Dear CT Rep

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Well, because the Assistant CT Rep has been saluted already :PPPPPPPP

    Original, no editing. One of my best photos ever! :D


    Nic Low... ><

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Whatever since 100th post is no more I shall start posting other stuff. This is a cool video.

    Logorama from Marc Altshuler - Human Music on Vimeo.

    Enjoy, especially to those who just had the fun bio o test.



    The Song by Mr Tan

  • When you press the calculator...

  • Cheers,

    More useful things for OP

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Some people asked me where I get good photos for my slideshow. If you are rich, the one-stop destination for stock photos would be istockphotos. But here I am going to suggest some sites (drum rolls....) to get free and superb images. (make sure the mature content filter is one, a very good website to find images or even poems)

    Also, the following is a website that will change your perspective in presentation and slideshow designs. (also include tips on handling Q&A)

    For even more creative presentations, visit the following slide. I particularly like Jamie Oliver, Chris Anderson, Bill Gates' presentation. (actually all are good XD)

    Who knows, perhaps in the future these website will be very useful to you :)


    Google takes its stand

  • When you press the calculator...

  • Cheers,

    In honour of Mr Chua (& MM Lim)

  • When you press the calculator...
  • We will miss you, MM Lim Mr Chua!


    Senior Class Video Montage!

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Hi all!

    Video Montage from Senior Class! Watch and laugh out loud! Then wonder about next year...


    Source of inspiration for OP

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Good source of inspiration (at least for me :P)
    100 Beautiful Slides from Cannes Lions 2010
    View more presentations from @JESSEDEE.

    This post aims to:

  • When you press the calculator...
  • 1) Push down the previous post

    2) Celebrate Bo Jun's 100+ year old birthday (many many flame in the video)

    3) Wish Bio people good luck for paper checking tomorrow

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Well, Since u all demanded for a post... I thought the below convo was very interesting. xD

    yuhe :P

    Winner of China's Got Talent

  • When you press the calculator...

  • Speechless, nuff said.


    For people without FB

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Here are the videos for Kbox:




  • When you press the calculator...
  • Hey guys!!!

    thank you all for turning up for the class outing!!! i mean, like i think the 3 SMTP classes are one of the few rare classes who went out AS A CLASS!!! so horrayyyy to us! xD

    Anyway, so as we were waiting for the buffet, we went to TPY hdb hub gallery to learn about the FISCAL policies that gov. use for housing xD and tada!! there's this free photo-taking thingy that will send the photos taken to the email typed!!! xD

    (Message: Hi mr tan! have fun marking our GP papers!!! XDDD. Email:

    So yeap. cant wait to see what's his expression the next time he checks his email!! MUHAHAHA.

    Then we went to Kbox after the buffet. xD and now our class have a Kbox membership card.. lol. and the next time outing we can go Kbox again and it'll be SUPER cheap!xD

    but all in all, its just such fun day!!! Hope ya all had fun too!!! xD

    Enjoy your holiday! for it will be short-lived.


    Just... Have a Laugh before Math

  • When you press the calculator...

  • Cheers and good luck for Math,

    the REAL Nobel Prizes

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Hello

    In case most of you are hibernating in your mugging sessions, the Nobel Prizes for this year are being announced..
    and the first Nobel Prize is MEDICINE which goes to Robert Edwards for Britain.
    He was responsible for the first test-tube baby.. which makes me realise how lag the Nobel committee is (the first test tube baby July 25, 1978)
    so next time u want to discover something important dont do it too late or u might die before you get your Nobel Prize!
    btw his research partner has already died so yeah.

    The physics prize will be coming out in 2 hours time! for more information visit (theres even a countdown provided!)

    Cheers and dont mug too much bio.
    ps whats up with the retarded tags?

    Two very GL questions from Prelims this year

  • When you press the calculator...
  • >1) Singapore govt allocates the largest amount of fiscal budget to the ministry of defence and the MOE. discuss whether the expenditure in defence and education by the singapore govt contributes to the econ goals of efficiency and economic growth. (25) 

    2) With economic growth and the singapore govt's move away from direct taxes to indirect taxes, examine the impact on business sales and revenue of various types of gds and services (25)

    So typical of HC to set such intellectually stimulating qns...



    Calculus Rhapsody

  • When you press the calculator...
  • I am sure this will help in your revision.

    Good luck for math!


    BIO )':

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Hellooooo :] I've some (hopefully) useful stuff for bio people ! :D

    Saw this on a past year rjc promo paper:
    Distinguish between repression and feedback inhibition caused by an end product of a biosynthtic pathway. Briefly state how regulatory phenomena complement each other to provide for the efficient regulation of metabolism. [5]
    It's basically testing on control and enzymes (and I'll die horribly if this question comes out ._. )
    Anyone that wants the answer key can photocopy from me on mon or smth, I'm lazy to type out ><

    Yeppp then for this year rjc bio promo essay questions:

    1(a)difference in structure between pro and eu genome
    (b) role of promoter, telomere and centromere
    (c) describe control at post-transcriptional level
    2. (a) explain the evidence for semi-conserative replication
    (b)explain the role of mRNA in protein synthesise
    (c) describe the genetic code

    The marks are 6,6 and 8. Anyway the second question is roughly like that, my friend could only remember exactly the one that he did, which is the first one.

    Heh hope it's useful for those trying to spot essay questions ~

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Hey guys!!!

    Well, Since "通用纸" is 2 days away... I bumped across this VERY interesting article.

    "7 reasons the 21st Century is making you miserable"

    Its rather long, so just gonna put the main points here...

    #1. We don't have enough annoying strangers in our lives.
    #2. We don't have enough annoying friends, either.
    #3. Texting is a shitty way to communicate
    #4. Online company makes you lonelier
    #5. We dont get criticized enough
    #6. We're victims of the outrage machine
    #7. We feel worthless, because we actually ARE worthless.

    For more:

    I think it's.. KINDA relevant to put inside GP essays yeah? Not to mention that ur essay will be provide high entertainment value for the marker xD HAHA.

    Alternatively, you can read it AFTER promos and feel miserable about ur life ^^

    Good luck everyone!
    YuHe xD

    Ig Nobel Prize

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Nobel prize for witty discoveries this year. Quite interesting:

    Engineering Prize: Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse (UK) and colleagues for perfecting a method to collect whale snot, using a remote-control helicopter.

    Medicine Prize: Simon Rietveld (Netherlands) and colleagues for discovering that symptoms of asthma can be treated with a roller-coaster ride.

    Transportation Planning Prize: Toshiyuki Nakagaki (Japan) and colleagues for using slime mould to determine the optimal routes for railroad tracks.

    Physics Prize: Lianne Parkin (New Zealand) and colleagues for demonstrating that, on icy footpaths in wintertime, people slip and fall less often if they wear socks on the outside of their shoes.

    Peace Prize: Richard Stephens (UK) and colleagues for confirming the widely held belief that swearing relieves pain.

    Public health Prize: Manuel Barbeito (US) and colleagues for determining by experiment that microbes cling to bearded scientists.

    Economics Prize: Awarded to the executives and directors of Goldman Sachs, AIG, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, and Magnetar for creating and promoting new ways to invest money — ways that maximize financial gain and minimize financial risk for the world economy, or for a portion thereof.

    Chemistry Prize: Eric Adams (US) and colleagues for disproving the old belief that oil and water don't mix. The research, supported by BP, was published under the title: "Review of Deep Oil Spill Modeling Activity Supported by the Deep Spill JIP and Offshore Operator's Committee".

    Management Prize: Alessandro Pluchino (Italy) and colleagues for demonstrating mathematically that organisations would become more efficient if they promoted people at random.

    Biology Prize: Libiao Zhang (China) and colleagues for scientifically documenting fellatio in fruit bats.


    New Media News!

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Hi all,

    this popped up on the news yesterday or so, and is incredibly relevant to the New Media topic for GP!

    Basically its about a boy secretly taping his gay roommate and posting it online. Then the roommate committed suicide.

    Links for the article:

    Fit-to-post (more commentary and more info about past cases):

    Happy mugging! And to all those who don't bother checking class blog and only saw this after GP - tough luck =P



  • When you press the calculator...
  • Hi im posting on the behalf of meng jie taken from the tagboard for easier reference.

    Helloooo I'm writing the RJC Econs 2010 promo essay questions here if anyone wants to try hahaha. It's only micro questions bcus they only took micro this year heh. JY with revision (:(:

    1 (a). Explain why excessive alcohol consumption is a form of market failure [10]
    (b) Discuss whether the use of minimum pricing is the best measure in correcting the above market failure [16]

    2. In singapore, the increasing cost of driving makes public tranposrt a good alternative in both 2006 and 2007, the rail operators applied to the public tranport council for approval to increase MRT on the ground of significant energy increase.

    (b) The public transport council is a regulatory body, tasked with the twin responsibility of safeguarding the interest of the public transport operators. discuss the extent to which it can rely on the concept of demand elasticities in deciding whether to approve the fare increase [16]

    - 2(a) and the other question was on monopoly so not relevant to us ~

    heehee sorry for spamming tagboard, I forgot the blog password .__. anw jyjy ( :


    I find this to be a very interesting question...

  • When you press the calculator...
  • (AJC Prelims 2009 Qn 3) Explain why the level of innovation in markets is likely to be less than desirable and discuss the view that innovation should therefore be solely carried out by the government. [25]

    Interesting twist to market failure. Has potential to get very extreme scores.


    Hwa Chong Choir - A Basque Lullaby (from Festival of Songs, Olomouc)

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Kenneth

    Intellectually Funny

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Clinton KO-ed the media:


    Insightful Video

  • When you press the calculator...
  • From my friend's blog, enjoy!


    中秋节 must 猜灯谜

  • When you press the calculator...
  • 1) 路在脚下 (6笔)
    2) 爱读书不爱买书 (4笔)
    3) 天书 (国名)
    4) 水仙来自福建 (校名)
    5) 半 (成语)
    6) 身边都是好朋友 (海外艺人)
    7) 说英文要你管 (网络名词)

    Quite challenging. Have fun!


    Answers to Lame Questions

  • When you press the calculator...
  • 1. 孤单
    2. Open door, put in elephant, close door
    3. Open door, take out elephant, put in giraffe, close door
    4. Giraffe
    5. White
    6. All animals went to attend the meeting
    7. Argh... Pooom and Pooom... Argh....
    8. Your pants
    9. 3
    10. Scissors paper stone
    11. Saddam
    12. Thailand
    13. 三只鸡
    14. 还是三只鸡
    15. 2


    Some Really Lame-until-you-Orz Questions

  • When you press the calculator...
  • 1. 人在什么时候会想喝汽水?
    2. 三个步骤把一只大象放进冰箱?
    3. 四个步骤把一只长颈鹿放进冰箱?
    4. 森林举办森林大会,全部动物都有去,但有一只没去,那是什么?为什么?
    5. 蜘蛛侠是什么颜色?
    6. 有一条很长很长的河,河里有很多凶恶的鳄鱼。无论什么动物靠进都会给侵犯,
    7. 一個人由10呎高和1呎高跌下來有何分別?
    8. 有甚麼東西有三個口,你有我都有?
    9. 请问阿拉丁有几位兄弟?
    10. 什么时候…… 5 < 2 、 2 < 0 、 0 < 5 ?
    11. Osama, Saddam Hussein, Bush 和 Clinton玩麻将。哪一个会先赢?
    12. 哪一个国家的人民喜欢用信用卡来付款?
    13. 一只母鸡跟两只公鸡。猜三字。
    14. 两只母鸡跟一只公鸡。猜五字。
    15. 1+1=?

    Answers will be posted soon (Paiseh I lazy to translate to English). Those who went KAP after MAF can try 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, and 15.

    If you are really despo to know the answers, hehehe...

    Just think harder !! :P



  • When you press the calculator...
  • I'm now addicted to this hahahaha. Enjoy! :D


  • When you press the calculator...
  • 小时候我家很穷,穷到家里只剩下钱,其他什麼都没有了。











    Attention CMGs!

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Would deeply appreciate if you guys invest 3 minutes of your study time to comment on the class bookmark!



    Please tell me if you want personalised name (like cat, dog, panda, whatever), otherwise I will put the name on the class name list.

    P/S: Uploaded on fb too. Easier to comment there.

    P/S 2: Updated with design for girls. Credit goes to my roomie who helped me with the proportions


    Creative Ad

  • When you press the calculator...
  • This ad uses youtube brilliantly:



    10 best questions to ask after a job interview!

  • When you press the calculator...
  • So I was looking at news, and came upon this very interesting and helpful post. And so I decided to share it with you all.

    You're interviewing for a job. After 20 or 30 minutes, you're asked: "Do you have any questions?"

    The worst thing you can do is ask, "What is it your company does?" (Hey, it has happened.) The next worst thing you can do is say, "Um, nope, I don't have any questions."

    You need to ask some questions! Asking questions shows your interest in a company and makes you look smarter (smart people tend to be inquisitive). Asking questions gives interviewers a chance to talk about themselves, a thing most people love. And--this is important--asking questions is a way to find out if you really want to work for these people.

    Bottom line: Don't make the interviewer do all the heavy lifting. Take an active role in the interview process and improve your chances of landing a job.

    So what should you ask? Here are 10 suggestions:

    1. "Can you describe a typical day for someone in this position?" If your interviewer appears to be nervous or ill at ease, a non-abstract question like this is a good way to get the ball rolling.

    2. "Could you talk about the history of this position?" Specifically, what you're trying to find out is how long the position has existed, how many people have held it, and why it is now available.

    3. "What were the major strengths and weaknesses of the last person who held this job?" Or in other words, what kind of act would you have to follow. This is also a chance to find out what happened to your would-be predecessor. How this question is answered will tell you a lot about the dynamics and expectations of this workplace.

    4. "What are this position's biggest challenges?" You're naturally curious about the downsides of the job. But find out in a way that makes you look confident and unafraid to tackle problems.

    5. "In what area could your team use some improvement?" Do you get an honest-sounding answer? This is important. It's also an opportunity to talk some more about how your skills specifically match this company's needs.

    6. "What are the prospects for advancement?" Asking this demonstrates that you have ambition, and makes you look like a big picture person.

    7. "How would I be evaluated?" If you want to know an employer's true priorities, and what is really important about the position under discussion, ask this.

    8. "Who are the most successful people in this company and why?" A clever way to get a glimpse of a company's values/ethos/culture and how the powers-that-be measure success.

    9. "Why do you enjoy working at this company?" Okay, it's a softball question. But the answer, and the tone in which it is given, should tell you a lot. Basically, you are looking to see some sincere enthusiasm here.

    10. "Do you have any reservations about me or my ability to perform this job?" It's a gutsy thing to ask. But consider doing so because it's a great way to get real-time feedback on you and your interview skills. Asking for criticism not only earns you points for courage, it could result in some very helpful information.

    P.S. Do not ask questions that would be easily answered by consulting the company's website. You will look unprepared, even lazy. You'll also lose the opportunity to gather some valuable insight about this employer and the job on offer.

    Quite helpful right?

    Happy mugging for Promos, and you may want to check back to this post 5 years later when you are interviewed for your first job!



  • When you press the calculator...
  • Cool idea :)

    Jiayou for physics eh!



    For the sake of updating...

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Random question. Is it true that there are more positive integers than square numbers?

    (Obviously who posted this)


  • When you press the calculator...
  • When you press the calculator...
  • Hey!!

    For all you visual learners out there who dont understand FRAT PRANE (like me), I think this is a very useful video! xD

    WARNING: this video is NOT FOR math pros such as shijie!!

    Yeap. Like.. i FINALLY SAW THE LIGHTTTT after looking at this video.

    And then i wonder why i'm paying school fees to the school, but not youtube. ^^

    Oh wells. wonders of the world indeed.

    Hope this helps all you poor and lost souls out there!!! (or maybe its just hanyi and i LOL)


    Auto Pager

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Found this cool plugin for your browser. It automatically loads the next page at the bottom of the page so that you can scroll through all pages. Good for googling, reading blogs, reading mangas, etc.


    Internet Explorer user... Get a life, get another browser :P



  • When you press the calculator...
  • In case there are people who never watch a magic show before...

    Enjoy the weekends!


    Funny Ad

  • When you press the calculator...

  • Cheers,

    New Song!

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Hey everyone,

    In view of the current trends in our class, I added a new song to the mixpod playlist.
    Song Info: "Confessions of a Friend" by Korean Ballad group "2AM"

    Translated lyrics (Syllable to Syllable translation):

    Baby, come to me by my side
    and be my lady.
    I have waited far too hard.
    Stood at the door, saying words no more.
    Trying hard to hide my pitiful heart.

    As a friend, just to remain as friends,
    I had to keep low.
    Locking feelings that I hold.
    The confessions, can't hide anymore.
    However it is now I will confess,
    Nawrir saranghae (I love you) ...

    I shall dedicate this song to everyone going overseas this term, and to anyone who feels for the song.

    Will translate and upload the entire song if response is good and time permits XD

    Jin Jian


  • When you press the calculator...
  • Hi 10S7F!!

    here are some articles about fonts which you may like to read :)

    provides some tips to make your WR look nicer. hehe

    30 Best Fonts to last a lifetime

    The Cracked Guide to Fonts

    Articles from are very enjoyable to read, if you don't mind the occasional use of vulgar language xD

    Have fun!!
    Bo Jun

    Happy Cornetto-Crunch-Ben&Jerrys-Magnum Day!

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Dear 10S7F,

    Thanks for the sweet surprise yesterday! I like the card very much though I would have loved to hear more from you all. Maybe a minimum of 500 words each, next time?! Haha. May the melty-sweet flavour of friendship be always with you all.

    Mr. Tan


  • When you press the calculator...
  • Wasted 20+ pieces of paper to print EoM... Emotions can be summarised in this comic:

    Lesson learnt, do not do last minute printing XD

    Anyway I have changed the theme to accommodate larger image. Hope you like it!


    Perhaps some tips on Economics essay?

  • When you press the calculator...
  • I was chatting online with the a senior for some tips. He threw me this essay question:

    "In 2007, the Singapore economy grew at 7.8%, goods and services tax went up from 5% to 7%, and there were active campaigns on healthy living.
    Assess the likely effects of the above changes on consumers' expenditure on fast food."

    Take 5 minutes to plan for an outline. In fact, I suggest MORE than 5 minutes... This was the killer question for last year's promos.

    Ready to see the answer?

    My initial response was:

    talk about demand and supply factor

    economic growth -> increased income
    positive income elasticity -> increased demand

    increased in service tax -> decreased supply
    large extent as supply very price inelastic, tax incidence

    active campaigns -> change in taste of preference
    decrease demand

    conclusion: demand shift less than supply, quantity demanded drops

    Looks like a two page, chop chop essay. How wrong was I.

    This senior took 1 hour and 15 minutes to write a 4 page essay on this question. He scored 20/25.


    Expenditure is price times quantity. You are supposed to look at the area under the graph. The emphasis is on the elasticity.

    His other remarkable points:
    Talk about different price elasticities for different income groups
    Campaigns introduces substitutes such as organic food
    Fast food restaurants also coming up with healthy packages
    Ad Valorem tax leads to a PIVOTAL shift, hence making supply more price inelastic
    etc etc...

    Of course, unless you are as god-like as him, it is unwise to burn 1 hour and 15 minutes for an essay. Hope that I post this in time for you guys to warm up (err not fry) your brains.

    Moral of the story: Open your eyes BIG BIG tomorrow

    Khor Shi-Jie

    Last Minute Mugging...

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Trouble keeping your eyes away from facebook, world cup, etc.? Try using this nifty application:

    Err... well alternatively you can use a stop watch too XD

    Khor Shi-Jie

    If you hate integration like I do...

  • When you press the calculator...
  • I guess everyone is busy mugging for blocks (and hence the hiatus of the blog ><). But anyway, let me share a shortcut with you guys...

    The killer topic for Math block test is definitely INTEGRATION, and we know it sucks for many reason. The most tormenting part, IMO, must be integration by parts. Personally I hate writing long long expressions, moving bulks of expressions here and there, then end up in a zzz careless mistake.

    Let me introduce a shortcut which is super useful and easy :) This technique is known as tabular integration by parts.

    Suppose you want to solve \int x^3 \cos x \, dx.\! Not an easy task, if you have tried it in your tutorials. In this technique, we still apply LIATE and let u be x^3 and v' be cos x. Now create a table and write:
    Derivatives of u (Column A)Integrals of v (Column B)
     x^3 \, \cos x \,
     3x^2 \, \sin x \,
     6x \, -\cos x \,
     6 \, -\sin x \,
     0 \, \cos x \,

    Such that column A represents the subsequent derivative of u and column B represents the subsequent integrals of v. Repeat this until you can no longer continue, for instance when u arrive at 0. Now, the answer is simply:

    (+)(x^3)(\sin x) + (-)(3x^2)(-\cos x) + (+)(6x)(-\sin x) + (-)(6)(\cos x) + C \,.

    Which is arrived by pairing the 1st term in A with the 2nd term in B , the 2nd term in A with the 3rd term in B, the 3rd term in A with 4th term in B, etc. Take note of the ALTERNATING sign in front of each terms too.

    Another example:

    \int e^x \cos x \,dx.

    Derivatives of u (Column A)Integrals of v (Column B)
     e^x \, \cos x \,
     e^x \, \sin x \,
     e^x \, -\cos x \,


     \int e^x \cos x \,dx = e^x\sin x + e^x\cos x - \int e^x \cos x \,dx,

    Which can be solved easily to yield:

    \int e^x \cos x \,dx = {e^x ( \sin x + \cos x ) \over 2} + C\!

    Visit for more information. My senior used this and saved a lot of time. However, do show your full working still (I can't guarantee that your tutors will accept such cheapskate method). Use it wisely and pwn the block test :P

    Khor Shi-Jie

    NUS High (Y)

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Hwa Chong has clock tower, 天下之马, 黄城, Tan Kah Kee statue, etc...

    What about NUS High?

    Try interpreting their attractions...

    See the shape of their periodic table?

    Guess the constellation...

    See the striking similarities with HCI

    Random chemicals on the ceiling

    Sine wave or cosine wave? (can't make sense of the black tiles yet... maybe it represents 3.142. or 2.718?)

    This is epic... anyone can guess what it represents? (...nosaer a rof llaw ip sa nwonk si tI :tniH)

    Have fun appreciating the beauty of science in NUS High XD!!

    Khor Shi-Jie
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