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Attention CMGs!

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Would deeply appreciate if you guys invest 3 minutes of your study time to comment on the class bookmark!



    Please tell me if you want personalised name (like cat, dog, panda, whatever), otherwise I will put the name on the class name list.

    P/S: Uploaded on fb too. Easier to comment there.

    P/S 2: Updated with design for girls. Credit goes to my roomie who helped me with the proportions


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    10 best questions to ask after a job interview!

  • When you press the calculator...
  • So I was looking at news, and came upon this very interesting and helpful post. And so I decided to share it with you all.

    You're interviewing for a job. After 20 or 30 minutes, you're asked: "Do you have any questions?"

    The worst thing you can do is ask, "What is it your company does?" (Hey, it has happened.) The next worst thing you can do is say, "Um, nope, I don't have any questions."

    You need to ask some questions! Asking questions shows your interest in a company and makes you look smarter (smart people tend to be inquisitive). Asking questions gives interviewers a chance to talk about themselves, a thing most people love. And--this is important--asking questions is a way to find out if you really want to work for these people.

    Bottom line: Don't make the interviewer do all the heavy lifting. Take an active role in the interview process and improve your chances of landing a job.

    So what should you ask? Here are 10 suggestions:

    1. "Can you describe a typical day for someone in this position?" If your interviewer appears to be nervous or ill at ease, a non-abstract question like this is a good way to get the ball rolling.

    2. "Could you talk about the history of this position?" Specifically, what you're trying to find out is how long the position has existed, how many people have held it, and why it is now available.

    3. "What were the major strengths and weaknesses of the last person who held this job?" Or in other words, what kind of act would you have to follow. This is also a chance to find out what happened to your would-be predecessor. How this question is answered will tell you a lot about the dynamics and expectations of this workplace.

    4. "What are this position's biggest challenges?" You're naturally curious about the downsides of the job. But find out in a way that makes you look confident and unafraid to tackle problems.

    5. "In what area could your team use some improvement?" Do you get an honest-sounding answer? This is important. It's also an opportunity to talk some more about how your skills specifically match this company's needs.

    6. "What are the prospects for advancement?" Asking this demonstrates that you have ambition, and makes you look like a big picture person.

    7. "How would I be evaluated?" If you want to know an employer's true priorities, and what is really important about the position under discussion, ask this.

    8. "Who are the most successful people in this company and why?" A clever way to get a glimpse of a company's values/ethos/culture and how the powers-that-be measure success.

    9. "Why do you enjoy working at this company?" Okay, it's a softball question. But the answer, and the tone in which it is given, should tell you a lot. Basically, you are looking to see some sincere enthusiasm here.

    10. "Do you have any reservations about me or my ability to perform this job?" It's a gutsy thing to ask. But consider doing so because it's a great way to get real-time feedback on you and your interview skills. Asking for criticism not only earns you points for courage, it could result in some very helpful information.

    P.S. Do not ask questions that would be easily answered by consulting the company's website. You will look unprepared, even lazy. You'll also lose the opportunity to gather some valuable insight about this employer and the job on offer.

    Quite helpful right?

    Happy mugging for Promos, and you may want to check back to this post 5 years later when you are interviewed for your first job!



  • When you press the calculator...
  • Cool idea :)

    Jiayou for physics eh!



    For the sake of updating...

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Random question. Is it true that there are more positive integers than square numbers?

    (Obviously who posted this)


  • When you press the calculator...
  • When you press the calculator...
  • Hey!!

    For all you visual learners out there who dont understand FRAT PRANE (like me), I think this is a very useful video! xD

    WARNING: this video is NOT FOR math pros such as shijie!!

    Yeap. Like.. i FINALLY SAW THE LIGHTTTT after looking at this video.

    And then i wonder why i'm paying school fees to the school, but not youtube. ^^

    Oh wells. wonders of the world indeed.

    Hope this helps all you poor and lost souls out there!!! (or maybe its just hanyi and i LOL)


    Auto Pager

  • When you press the calculator...
  • Found this cool plugin for your browser. It automatically loads the next page at the bottom of the page so that you can scroll through all pages. Good for googling, reading blogs, reading mangas, etc.


    Internet Explorer user... Get a life, get another browser :P

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